March 29, 2015

Lost Art #22: Rue Bichat, Paris

Springtime is finally starting to show some hints of its arrival, so I guess that means it's time to start spending some more afternoons painting on trash in the streets :). I'm trying to get into some other parts of the city, a little farther from my own neighborhood, which means the walks are getting longer. But hopefully it also means that different people are getting the chance to find one of these pieces lying around. If you live in Paris and want to suggest a neighborhood for my next painting, please feel free to let me know in the comments. I try to spread the love around! I left this one on the rue Bichat in the 11th, where I often go to draw with a friend of mine. It's a view of the Hopital Saint-Louis not far from the canal. As always, let me know if you find it! 

This painting, acrylic on found oriented strand board, 67.5 cm x 36.5 cm, was left on the rue Bichat, near the intersection of rue Richerand, in the 11th arrondissement of Paris on March 29, 2015 at 4:30pm.

If you have found this piece, please let me know in the comments!

Click here to View Lost Art #22: Rue Bichat in a larger map

March 2, 2015

Lost Art #21: Rue de Charenton, Paris

It's already March?

How did that happen? It's been unseasonably cold in Paris this year, and a little bit difficult to paint outside. But recently we have finally seen signs of the winter giving way, and the sunny days have cast a lovely light back into our beautiful city. So the other day I found myself on the rue de Charenton, where the rue de Prague turns into the rue Abel. And I also had with me this old jigsaw puzzle that I had picked up in the street. So I decided to sit down and take advantage of the pleasant light, the survivable temperatures, and this view of the Coulee Verte, to paint my 21st Lost Art. Then I brought the painting home to dry for a few days, and when I noticed that today was also looking sunny and pleasant, I went back out to leave it where it was painted. I hope that somebody else on an early-spring stroll picks it up and takes it home!

This painting, oil on found jigsaw puzzle, 36.5 cm x 49.5 cm, was left on the rue de Charenton, near the intersection of rue Abel, in the 12th arrondissement of Paris on March 2, 2015 at 12:00pm.

If you have found this piece, please let me know in the comments!

Click here to View Rue de Charenton in a larger map